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10 Fun Things You Can Do With Baby Food Jars

Are you a parent that has baby food jars laying around? You can put them to use in some unique ways thanks to the people over at Buzzfeed helping us give you ten different things you can do with baby food jars!

1. Make mini cakes in a jar

Find the recipe here

2. Make the jars into a plaque to store things on the wall

Find the DIY here

3. Craft it into a mini snowglobe

Find the DIY here

4. Keep crayons color coated and organized

Learn more here

5. Create kid-sized mason jar cups

Find the tutorial here

6. Make mini candles

Learn how here

7. Create a pin cushion/button jar duo

Find the tutorial here

8. DIY a tiny terrarium

Learn how here

9. DIY into a branch centerpiece

Find the DIY here

10. Grow herbs and spices

Learn more here

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